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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ever wish you could say, LOOK AT ME NOW?!

You know, in school, I had a TON of friends, but I also had a lot of people that looked at me and thought that I would be nothing my whole life, that my presence wasn’t worthy around them, that I would never fit in. My parents didn’t have money, I didn’t get the fancy new car when I turned 16, I didn’t have a college fund, or a huge house.

Well, I would just love to be able to go back and say, “Ha, look at me now!” I am 24 years old, been married for 5 years, I have two beautiful, healthy, amazing kids that are spoiled to no end, I have had a poem published in a book, I own a very nice vehicle, I have my own home. I have got to be a stay at home mom for 3.5 years now. I own tons of the hottest electronics (told you I was an electronic nerd). I go shopping every weekend. I am a college student. I graduated my career diploma program to be a teacher’s assistant with Honors. I am working on writing my own book. I have coached a youth (6-7 year olds) soccer team. I have been an assistant coach for a youth (3-4 year olds) T-ball team. And so on.

Sometimes, the people you think will never amount to anything just because they aren’t “rich” or wearing the coolest, expensive clothes, or getting the new ride when they turn 16, will turn out to be more than you have ever expected!

Never judge a book by its cover!

I see so many of those people that I went to school with that had the parents with money, the fancy house, the new car, the college fund and they have nothing now that they have had to get the things they want and need on their own. Isn’t it funny how life changes?

Just keep in mind, the next time you see someone that doesn’t have all the things that you have, that they could end up being something beyond what we ever expected them to be. Never make people feel inferior to you because you “have it all.”  We’re all destined for something, it doesn’t matter who you are, it matters whether you apply yourself to what you need and/or want to be in life.

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