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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shopping for my Husband is no easy task!

I am trying so hard to decide what to get my Husband for Christmas. Shopping for him is not an easy task! He is an avid hunter and fishermen, but I don’t know much about the supplies for either one. Yes, I know all about how to hunt and fish and what they have out there for it, but trying to decide what my Husband would actually use is a totally different story.

He has mentioned some things that he would like, but talk about pricey! And he says me with my electronics is bad…he is killing me here!

I love to spoil my Husband and I wish I could buy him whatever he wants because he totally deserves it, but at this point with me being a stay at home mom, its really difficult to buy the pricey, good stuff. Lady on a budget here! Smile I would love to mention what I would like to buy for him, but to be on the safe side I will keep it to myself.

I go through this every year when it comes time to buy him something super nice for Christmas. I have never been one to be able to shop for men easily anyways and shopping for him has really become a hard task for me. I always end up feeling terrible because I can’t really go and spend the money that I would like to on him to buy him the things he really wants because he is always spoiling me with the number one thing I ask for for Christmas.

I think this year I am going to make him give me what he would spend on me for Christmas for me to spend on him and he can get me something small. I know it’s the thought that counts and that Christmas shouldn’t be about how much money you can spend on one another, but I would just love to be able to get him what he asks for. He does so much for his family and is always putting himself last and NEVER buys anything for himself.

A big portion of his Christmas won’t come until February, but I know it will be worth the wait.

Well, back to contemplating!

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