Screw the expectancies, screw living for everyone else. They, whoever they really are, don't pay my bills, they don't come home with me at night bathe my kids and cook my dinner. Why, then, am I living for what I think some ill-defined bunch of people expect of me? They don't get a vote anymore! I will no longer give my power away. I want it back and I am going to use it to be me. I want to make me happy and my family happy by being true to myself and doing what I care about. If I'm not being treated with dignity and respect that's not okay, not now, not ever! I want to feel alive. I want to feel valued by others and myself. I want my kids to have all of me and not some half-a** counterfeit!
I have to become the authentic me. I have got to be totally honest with myself! No more going with the easy route, what’s expected of me, and what the responsibilities of life have made me. I need to shape my life around who I really am. Just because familiar may seem safer there is no reason to settle. We, too often, define ourselves by our jobs or our role. We lose who we really are because we get caught up with life’s titles.
If someone were to ask you, “Who are you?” How would you answer that question? Are you living a life that reflects your authentic self? Have you sold yourself short?
Well, I, too often, find myself reminiscing on the “remember whens.” Yes, the past is great and has helped us define who we have become and it contains a lot of wonderful memories, but we have to start being able to have those fun memories of now, in the present.
I am glad that at 24 years old I am realizing how much I have lost my authentic self as I have entered into adulthood, motherhood, and being a wife and not living life so long with it lost that I am 50 years old and realizing it. I am making a change NOW! We have one life, one opportunity. One opportunity to be all of who we are and live and do the things we have a desire to do.
Dr. Phil made a very valuable point when he said, “If you have no purpose, you have no passion and if you have no passion, you've sold yourself out!”
Its hard to make that transition from being a child that has no worries in life at all to being an adult that has so many things that HAVE to be right and HAVE to be done. You lose yourself in it. You freak out and clam up. You try to keep your mind focused on the responsibilities and getting them done that we overpower our own natural thoughts and desires and even dreams. We lose us.
Making a change and finding myself again is not going to be an easy task, but I have to do it! I want to be me again, not what society, responsibilities, and titles have made me. I want to feel truly happy in my accomplishments. I want the satisfaction of knowing that I am doing everything I can to not sell myself short of what I want and what I deserve.
…… so, with that being said, here I go! Wish me luck!
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