Blogaholic Designs”=

Monday, November 28, 2011


Yay, it’s vent time again! I guess you could say that this blog has become my online diary/journal. When I first made this blog (notice I changed the name, may have to change it again) I really didn’t know what area of things I wanted to speak about. I always heard pick a thing to blog about and blog about it, well I didn’t know what to pick. I’m not much of a fashionista I don’t get into fashion like most girls do. I just really didn’t know where this blog was headed, but recently I broke my shell and decided that I was going to start writing about whatever it is that was on my mind, good or bad, liked or not liked. This has become my outlet to let things off my chest and to keep things from being bottled up. My first intention for this blog was to blog about my kids, which I LOVE to talk about my kids and share my pictures and stories and I will continue to post about my kids, but I have found that I really want this blog to be on the things I need to let off my chest. I want to express my anger, my sadness, my happiness, my opinions, my feelings on this blog. It has helped me tremendously (I know I have said that a lot, but it does help!)

With all of that being said, here it goes! As I have stated in a previous blog post I really don’t like to let my weaknesses be known, but being this post has a lot to do with one of my weaknesses, in order to write this, I have to share that little secret of mine.

I can’t get over this feeling of feeling like I don’t quite fit into the “adult” world. I am a mother and I am a wife, but somehow when I am around others I feel as if they look at me like a child, not because I act like one, but just because I feel that way. I think I am battling with self-confidence here! I know you’re probably saying, “ Well, honey, you’re only 24 years old.” and “What’s your rush to grow up?” Its not really that I am in a rush to grow up. I’ve had to grow up! I got pregnant with my first-born when I was 16, got  married at 19, and had my second child 8 days before I turned 21. No more being a child for me.

My issue is that, around others, I sort-of clam up, feel like an outsider, and don’t quite feel like I am welcome into the adult realm with the other adults around me. Maybe it is because I am only 24, but I am married and do have two kids so I am kind-of in the middle of being an “adult” and being “child-like.” I feel so inferior around people. Why is that? Why can’t I be the confident person I always was? I have NEVER felt like that before in my life until I got pregnant young. Before that, I never let anyone make me feel inferior and I never felt weird around people. I was just simply me, take me or leave me.

Oh, this world of pleasing. I have got to stop that. Jess, be yourself! Quite trying so dag-on hard to “fit in.”

Yes, that’s me repeatedly telling myself over and over and over again to stop it! But, as always, never works!

--- Help!

Smooth Thanksgiving

I was very surprised and very thankful that this Thanksgiving was smooth sailing! No drama from anyone. That, I think, is the first time since my Husband and I have been together ( 7 years) that I have had no one down my throat about where I am going to be spending the Holiday. I hope Christmas is just as smooth. It really makes for a better Holiday Season!

It really amazes me at how different my family is on each side. On my Dad’s side of the family everyone talks to everyone and we all get along. There’s no feeling awkward or feeling like you’re a total stranger. Its peaceful and we all enjoy each other’s company. On my Mom’s side, they all act like total, complete strangers. They are always hounding someone, there is always someone griping and complaining about something, and they make you feel like you’re just a complete stranger that doesn’t belong. You get these looks like they are thinking, “What the heck are you doing here?!” How unfortunate that everyone has become that way. We don’t see each other except for the Holidays and they act like it’s a nightmare to have to participate. Well, I am here to tell ya, no one holds a gun to your head forcing you to come around your family, so why come and make everyone else miserable with your complaining? Last year was ridiculous! My poor Grandma, for Christmas, got everyone together to go on a dinner train and out to eat afterwards. It was very nice and I enjoyed it very much, but of course, a few bad apples had to spoil the occasion. Here I am thinking, “What in the world goes through their minds to act so disrespectful when someone tries to do something nice for them and why do they have to be so miserable around their own family?” They’re adults, suck it up or stop coming around if it is just so miserable for you!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Helps to Release some bottled-up emotions!

I know I have been filling this blog with complaints a lot here lately, but I have found that it truly helps to release some of these bottled-up emotions that overwhelm me and really, who doesn’t like reading about other people’s inner most thoughts and secrets?

So, my complaint (if you want to call it that) and inner most thought for tonight is, what the heck happened to Best Friends Forever actually meaning something? I have my Bestie, Ariel, this does not pertain to her. She has and always will be one of my very true, very best, best friends! I am speaking about the ones who have claimed me as their “BFF” or “Bestie” or “Bestest Friend” or “Best Friend.” Next thing you know, I am old news. Yes, I don’t leave the house much, which I know hurts a friendship, but I also have my responsibilities here that never end and I have two kiddos that, anytime I go anywhere, I have to bring them along, which makes it hard for conversation. I’m not really into doing most of the things that most my age are into doing so I know that also makes things hard, but I just really don’t get why you would act as if you can just walk into and out of my life anytime you so choose and think that it is okay. Um, hello, no! What part of, I am a human being, too, don’t you understand? I know with this blog post that I may sound a tad bit juvenile, but some things I just need to let go of and writing it out helps A TON!

There is one particular person that better not think that she is just going to waltz right back into the picture as if she didn’t just trade me in. I don’t care if it was just the fact that she needed new company or what the case may have been. I do not like being treated as if I am only worth having around when it is convenient or you need me for something. Not this time, honey! Momma is making some much-needed changes! Sorry about your luck!

People really do aggravate the crud out of me. Guess that’s why I have found myself slowly detaching myself from people.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The House is all done up for Christmas! Take a Look!


So, after two days of doing Christmas lights and the inflatables we have almost finished getting our house decorated for Christmas. The big circle with lights you see in the photo is a HUGE wreath we have over our driveway. That was a new addition this year. Some of the inflatables are not visible in this photo, but, as of now, we have 8 inflatables. The kids absolutely love it which, of course, is why we go all out on Christmas. I am not sure what else we have planned for the outside, but its looking really good. We are all lit-up here. I cannot wait until Dec.17th when we have the family and some friends over for dinner and the kids will get to see Santa here at the house. Santa is coming to pass out presents to the kids here. They are going to LOVE it! Mrs. Claus may even join the fun this year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Telling it how it is!

Screw the expectancies, screw living for everyone else. They, whoever they really are, don't pay my bills, they don't come home with me at night bathe my kids and cook my dinner. Why, then, am I living for what I think some ill-defined bunch of people expect of me? They don't get a vote anymore! I will no longer give my power away. I want it back and I am going to use it to be me. I want to make me happy and my family happy by being true to myself  and doing what I care about. If I'm not being treated with dignity and respect that's not okay, not now, not ever! I want to feel alive. I want to feel valued by others and myself. I want my kids to have all of me and not some half-a** counterfeit!

I have to become the authentic me. I have got to be totally honest with myself! No more going with the easy route, what’s expected of me, and what the responsibilities of life have made me. I need to shape my life around who I really am. Just because familiar may seem safer there is no reason to settle. We, too often, define ourselves by our jobs or our role. We lose who we really are because we get caught up with life’s titles.

If someone were to ask you, “Who are you?” How would you answer that question? Are you living a life that reflects your authentic self?  Have you sold yourself short?

Well, I, too often, find myself reminiscing on the “remember whens.” Yes, the past is great and has helped us define who we have become and it contains a lot of wonderful memories, but we have to start being able to have those fun memories of now, in the present.

I am glad that at 24 years old I am realizing how much I have lost my authentic self as I have entered into adulthood, motherhood, and being a wife and not living life so long with it lost that I am 50 years old and realizing it. I am making a change NOW! We have one life, one opportunity. One opportunity to be all of who we are and live and do the things we have a desire to do.

Dr. Phil made a very valuable point when he said, “If you have no purpose, you have no passion and if you have no passion, you've sold yourself out!”

Its hard to make that transition from being a child that has no worries in life at all to being an adult that has so many things that HAVE to be right and HAVE to be done. You lose yourself in it. You freak out and clam up. You try to keep your mind focused on the responsibilities and getting them done that we overpower our own natural thoughts and desires and even dreams. We lose us.

Making a change and finding myself again is not going to be an easy task, but I have to do it! I want to be me again, not what society, responsibilities, and titles have made me. I want to feel truly happy in my accomplishments. I want the satisfaction of knowing that I am doing everything I can to not sell myself short of what I want and what I deserve.

…… so, with that being said, here I go! Wish me luck!

Why try?


Here lately, I have realized that I have been, over the past year or two, trying very hard to re-establish old friendships. with people that I once was close with back in the school days, only to be made to feel like an idiot, honestly. Why in the world would I think that they would care to  have that friendship back? They’ve moved on and so have I, but I tend to hold on to the things that meant something to me and that includes people, too. I can just pick right up where we left off as if there were never years of non-contact and really get irritated when they can’t or won’t do the same. I shouldn’t care because I know that everyone is different. It shouldn’t bother me at all, but I have found that it really does bother me.

Why do I put myself out there to look like some desperate female that doesn’t have any friends or anyone to talk to that I have to try to rekindle those friendships? I don’t see it like that because, as I said, I like to hold on to the things I care about, but people may look at it otherwise.

Why do I find myself one minute wanting all these friends, then the next minute not wanting so many friends? Its really irritating to say the least, to myself! In all honestly, deep-down, I don’t want many friends, but still I find myself trying to hold on to those past friendships that have withered. For what? I don’t know. I really don’t know why I put myself out there and try to make something be something that it isn’t.

People change and so have I, what makes me think that I will even have anything in common with or like who these old friends have become?

Part of reassessing me is dealing with this issue and from this day forward I pledge to leave the old friendships at rest. I have a couple very close, very true friends and I don’t need or deep-down want anymore. Its too much to handle having so many people to try to keep up with anyways.

As I go through this process of reassessing myself and changing things that need to be changed there will be a lot of changes, disappointments, grudges, etc. They will have to either accept it or silently not accept it. I have to find myself again, my true self.

The Holidays-Drama-free, please!


I love the Holidays, but I really find myself having a hard time enjoying them because of the constant battle with everyone wanting you in one place at the same time all the time. I wish they would realize and consider that it is not humanly possible for me to be everywhere at the same time on the same day. I hate upsetting people, that is one of my weaknesses. I don’t believe in sharing weaknesses with people due to the fact that they can and they will use that to their advantage, but I have to put this out there.

For once, I would love a drama-free Holiday Season! I hate rushing and hate having to rush my kids around everywhere. Another thing I don’t get is that I don’t hear from my family any other time throughout the year, other than my dad, grandma, grandpa, mom, step-dad, my Aunt Julie, sis, and brother. Why in the world is it so important to you that I be a head-count at your Holiday get-together? There are 365 days in a year and you mean to tell me that throughout the 365 days you only consider me part of the family on those one particular days? If the answer is no, I would like to know then why it is so hard for you to pick up the phone and say, “Hey, wanted to check in on you and see how you’re doing.”

I have made my efforts throughout the course of the past 7 years and, when I finally throw my hands up and say that I am going to let them be the ones to contact me because it shouldn’t be one person trying to keep in touch with all of her family,  I never hear from anyone.

My family, to me, have become strangers that I am connected with by blood and genetics. I don’t know these people anymore and they sure as heck don’t take the initiative to know me either. What a shame! A shame that a once close knit family have become so distant. A shame that the family together in the same place seems as awkward as being in a waiting room at the Doctor’s office.

I love my family and I miss them dearly, but as I said I don’t know them anymore. Some would claim that it is my fault because I moved 35 minutes away. C’mon, seriously?! My intentions are not to bash my family in this post, but to simply release some of the thoughts and feelings I have been feeling for quite some time now. Yes, I have spoke with several people in my family that knows that this is how I feel. It is no secret.

Lord, I pray that this year will be different. I don’t want to be pushed to the point that I am singing BA-HUMBUG!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reassessing Me

I’m reading a book by Dr.Phil called Self Matters. I just started on the book, but immediately it gets you thinking. It points out how so many of us begin to form a routine in life and become a robot to this routine and we tend to forget what it was in life that made us unique, what made us, deep-down, happy,  and what our goals and dreams were. He states that we, often times, settle for what seems easy and convenient. I agree fully with what I have read in the book so far. I would highly recommend this book!
As far as the reassessing myself goes, I have really fell victim to the “go with the flow” way of life. I look back, like the book asks you to do, and remember those times that I was happy (not that I am not happy now) and so free spirited. I remember when I didn’t care what others thought and I did what made me happy, not in a selfish way, but in a way of authentically being me. I didn’t settle for what others wanted of me, I didn’t think that dreams were unreachable, I went for what I wanted and had the confidence that if I wanted to succeed that I would. I really didn’t notice that over the past couple of years I have become a hermit in my own shell. I care too much about what others expect and think of me. I try too hard to meet their expectations, I settle for what is the easiest, and I don’t focus on myself. I don’t want to be selfish and tend to forget that just because you designate a little time to yourself and to what makes you unique doesn’t make you selfish. I have really guarded myself from being “put out there.” I always wanted to be a writer of some sort and a photographer. I wrote poems multiple times a day and even had a couple published, but I lost touch with it because when I started my family I didn’t see myself as having the time to focus on me and silly dreams that could or couldn’t happen. I had to do what was best for my family. I had to find something stable and something beneficial for my family. I gave up on what made me unique and went straight for what made me like everyone else in a sense. I took the easy road, not that technically it is easy, because even settling (I do not mean settling like I settled for my marriage or motherhood that was all my choosing and I couldn’t be happier) doesn’t make things easy, I just found a way to keep myself from attaining who I was meant to be. I would not EVER change my marriage or having kids, that is not what this reassessment is about. It’s about finding yourself again. Not yourself in a sense of being a Mother or a Wife, but the you that isn’t those things. I love being married and I love having my children and I know that being a wife and mother was one thing I was put on this Earth to be.
I guess you could safely say that this pertains to finding the career in life that makes you you, but also gives you the confidence to reach for what you want in life, not just in a career, but in a hobby, in a way of living, etc.
I have always had a passion for photography and even wanted to go to college for photography, but again it became to be a “well, that chosen field is pass or fail and if it fails it will not be beneficial to myself and my family and could do more harm than good.” So, it was dropped. Why? Because we aim for things that are comfortable and stable, things that are less stressful and less iffy. We find ourselves going with something that we have no passion for and end up being miserable everyday, not being able to wake up happy about your accomplishments. Why? because we go through the motions like a robot and stick with it because it’s the easiest thing to do.
Granted, I am in college to be a teacher and that was always another thing I was quite passionate about. I think that if it were totally up to me to choose whatever in the world I wanted to choose it would have been photography or being a counselor, though. I love helping people.
Well, that is all for now. I am sure there will be more to write and discuss the further along I get in the book.
* You should really check the book out.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Family Vacation to Walt Disney World: The Beneficial Factors of Vacationing with Family in Walt Disney World

Family Vacation to Walt Disney World: The Beneficial Factors of Vacationing with Family in Walt Disney World

© Jessica Carothers

Western Governors University

“Family Vacation to Walt Disney World“

As the parents, planning a vacation to suit the entire family’s needs can be tedious. We have to ensure that each member of the family are going to have a great time and that there are plenty of activities to suit each age range and personality. Each member of the family may have their own ideas for a vacation, but it’s up to us, the parents, to plan one that each one of us will enjoy and be able to partake in. I will explain to you why I think Walt Disney World would be worth every penny! We should take a vacation to Walt Disney World because it is an adventure, a great break from reality, and perfectly suits the needs of the entire family.

Initially, Walt Disney World is full of adventure and excitement. There are several spectacular parks in Walt Disney World including: Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Disney’s MGM Studios. Also, Disney has a growing collection of adventurous rides. Animal Kingdom, however, provides a great opportunity to be adventurous, as it offers a ride through a wild safari. In the ride through the wild safari, you will take a ride in a jeep through a wilderness full of wild animals, ones you wouldn’t see on a regular basis. It is an awesome opportunity for photo-taking and even learning about these extraordinary creatures.

Subsequently, we all could use a break from reality. I think that Walt Disney World is the best place to escape reality, experience a world of imagination, and meet the characters we all grew to love. I know that meeting the characters I grew to love would be just as enjoyable for me as it would be for my children! As you stroll through each one of Disney’s theme parks you feel as if you are in a whole other universe, one filled with magic, imagination, creativeness, and excitement. Not to mention, there are so many fun activities and rides. Walt Disney World is a great place to bring out the inner child in all of us! Wouldn’t you love to escape, if even for a week, the duties we have as adults, and be able to have a little fun just as if we were kids again?

Lastly, we need a vacation spot that will accommodate the entire family’s needs, one that each one of us can enjoy. Walt Disney World was created with the entire family in mind. There are rides and activities for all age ranges, no matter how young or old. Parents can enjoy, in Epcot, the view of living in different cultures, tasting different brews and beverages, and snacking on different cultural foods. Also, every night in Epcot there is a huge parade that everyone in the family can enjoy. Each park offers something new and exciting.

Concisely, a trip to Walt Disney World would be worth the expense! There are a vast majority of fun things to do to keep everyone occupied, and a lot of memories to be made. A vacation to Walt Disney World will be one no one will forget. With that being said, I would encourage you to consider making the decision to vacation in Walt Disney World. Yes, there are several exciting places to visit, but Walt Disney World, in my opinion, is the ultimate. Imagine taking a ride on Disney’s Rock-n Rollercoaster, going from 0 to 60 mph in 60 seconds, winding through a dark building with Aerosmith blasting through the speakers, and street signs lit up everywhere. Another ride available at Disney World is the Tower of Terror, on the ride you will be entered into an elevator and will be lifted 13 stories high, then dropped. How does that sound for exciting? You could also take a ride on Test Track, where you will be put in a test car, and will be taken through the different testing sections, as they do in real-life car testing. You will go through a room of extreme cold temperatures, and another room with extreme warm temperatures. You will test the tires outside on the track going at a very rapid speed and you will also experience the adrenaline rush of feeling as if you are about to crash head-first into a semi. That is just a very small portion of the things to look forward to when you take a vacation in Walt Disney World. The way I see it, there is absolutely no other experience quite as rewarding as introducing the excitement of Walt Disney World to your family.

© Jessica Carothers

Become Involved in Your Child’s Education: The Beneficial Factors of Becoming Involved

Become Involved in Your Child’s Education: The Beneficial Factors of Becoming Involved

© Jessica Carothers

Western Governors University

“Become Involved in Your Child’s Education”

Our involvement, as parents, plays an important role in the education of our children, as well as, their overall well-being and outlook on life. As your child’s greatest educator, I urge you to become involved in your child’s learning process, the benefits of becoming a part of your child’s educational journey is very rewarding, and the results our involvement can produce might just surprise you! You should become involved in your child’s education because it promotes higher graduation rates, increases self-esteem, and reduces violent behavior and drug usage.

Initially, when we take interest in our child’s education we can provide incentives to promote our children to do well academically. We pay more attention to what is going on with our child from an educational stand-point, therefore, we can monitor their progress and help them continue to strive for success. It is shown that children who have parents that are involved in their educational journey are more likely to graduate, and to graduate with higher grade point averages. When we become involved we allow ourselves to be more in-tuned with what they are struggling with, and are able to adequately provide sources for improvement. If we do not take part in their education, we become unaware of what it is that they need in order to maintain passing grades and, ultimately, reach their goal of graduating and continuing on to college.

Subsequently, our involvement plays a significant role in our child’s self- esteem. When we show interest they tend to put forth more effort in their studies with intent to receive praise and rewards. We can give our children the confidence they need in order to become more self-aware of changes happening within them, and the ability to learn and accept those changes. Each of us, growing up, have went through a time of not really liking ourselves, thinking that no one really liked us, or that we weren’t as good as the rest, which can lead us to asking ourselves this question, if my parents were more involved and had complimented me more, would I have been so hard on myself? What would your response to that question be? We, as parents, tend to overlook the fact that we could be our children’s biggest inspiration, we tend to sometimes forget that just a simple reassurance from us could be enough to keep our children from struggling so much with self-esteem.

Furthermore, our role as parents can go even further. We can put a deterrent on the use of alcohol, drugs, and also violent behavior. See, when we become a part of our child’s life in more depth, especially education, we become more aware of what is going on in their schools. When we become more aware of what is going on in their schools we can be on the alert and take action when necessary. Some parents send their children off to school and are completely oblivious to the things that are happening within the school building, or to what things their child has been introduced to. Start asking questions and reassure your child that you are there for them no matter the issue. Promote good behavior and reward your child for it. Speak with your child’s teacher so you can monitor their behavior in the classroom when they are away from you. Most of all make sure to talk with your children, discuss day to day events with them and make them aware of the outcome of drug and alcohol use and violent behavior.

Concisely, when we become involved in our child’s education it goes a lot further than just helping them with homework, we become more in-tune with their situations in school and with what they are struggling with. Their education not only means a lot to them, but it also means a lot to us, so with that being said, our involvement should be an easy adjustment to our busy schedules and should be one of our top priorities. They need us to take interest and reward them, and they need us to provide the sources for improvement when they are struggling. We can inspire our children to do well and succeed. Studies show that what they need is as simple as us becoming a part of their journey.

© Jessica Carothers

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Turkey Day Is Coming- My First Turkey

This year for Thanksgiving I will be making a turkey for the very first time. I don't quite know how I feel about that just yet. I'm a little nervous about how it will turn out.
I have just now got into exploring more with recipes and coming out of my shell, my safety-zone when it comes to cooking.
I am tickled that most of the recipes I have tried have actually come out quite good, but I have had a couple that turned out to be something I would never cook again, but I know that happens as you explore new things.
I used to be so terrified to cook new things. I found out what I could cook and I stuck with those, but boy did that get old quick! I was so tired of cooking the same things all the time. I had to build up the confidence to try new things as far as cooking.
I know my family is sure happy that I did! I have no clue what possessed me one day to go online and search for a recipe to try for dinner, but I did and finally came across something that I could make that I had all the ingredients for and I was pretty pleased with myself with how it turned out. That helped the confidence boast a little. From then on, I have been searching online almost everyday coming up with new recipes to give a shot at.
I have no intentions what-so-ever to become some major cook, but I am enjoying learning and applying what I learn.
Goodness, I sure hope this turkey comes out okay! I'd hate to be the one at Thanksgiving that screwed up the turkey!

Against Domestic Violence- Very Touching!

She's got flowers! It wasn't her birthday or any other special day. They had their first fight, and he said many cruel things that really hurt her. She knows that he is sorry and that he would not say those things again, because he sent her flowers.
She received flowers again! It was not for their anniversary or any other special day. Last night, he pushed her against a wall and started to choke her. It seemed like a nightmare, she couldn't believe it was real. When she woke the next morning her body was painful and bruised. She knows that he must be sorry, because he sent her flowers to forgive.
She received flowers yet again! And this was not mother's day or any other special day. Once again, he has beaten her, it was much more violent than other times. If she leaves, what would she do? How would she care for her children? And financial problems? She is afraid of him, but is scared to go. And she knows that he must be sorry because, as usual, he sent her flowers to forgive.
Today, was a very special day! She have received piles of bouquets of flowers from all those who knew her and who loved her! It was her funeral. Last night, he finally killed her. He beat her to death. If only She had found enough courage to leave, She would have not received so many flowers today!
Share if you're against Domestic Violence. Enough is enough!

My Poem- Its About You

 Make a cheerful impression to yourself above all else.

Take a step back and look beyond a step or two forward.

Envision a life of laughter and smiles.

Keep a positive mind for it will produce a positive result.

When you feel like you’re being battered take a moment to think,

when you feel that you’re on the brink of self-destruction

remember you have instruction.

You are your guide in life, you have the power to choose where you go.

Let it be known who you are.

Don’t shelter yourself from the world,

be bold and loud.

Let others know you’re there and don’t have fear.

Be proud.

Be proud of who you are and take claim to your thoughts.

You own them and deserve to speak them.

Don’t hide behind yourself.

Don’t let you be the reason you’re being held back.

© Jessica Carothers, November, 21. 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

My 7 yr. old’s Christmas List-Extensive & Humorous!!

I asked my Son today what he wanted to tell Santa that he wanted for Christmas. He insisted that I grab a pen and paper and write it down. This is every item he said he wanted along with how he said he wanted it. This is a long list, but it is very humorous! It took everything I had to keep a straight face as I was making this list for him. Here it is:

1. Go-Kart

2. Parts for Golf Kart

3. Remote control boat

4. Racetrack that goes on wall

5. Lures

6. Camo B.B. Gun

7. Remote control Jeep

8. Games for my slow laptop

9. A Wii for myself

10. A new bed

11. Cookie dough

12. A pond

13. Horses like real ones that Santa can bring on a train to me

14. A regular gun that shoots bullets

15. A chalkboard

16. A bear claw necklace

17. Indiana Jones paint to paint my room

18. A new tv

19. A new camo hat

20. A cell phone just for me

21. A train whistle

22. A train track

23. A Watermelon tree

24. Drums

25. Guitar

26. A new hot tub (Do you think the Elves can really make that? is what he asked me)

27. A picture frame (He asks, What is a picture frame? I show him and he says yeah he wants it)

28. A new gameboy

29. A Nintendo DS

30. Spongebob games

31. Indiana Jones poster

32. A fast laptop

33. A fake deer that I can shoot my bow and arrow

34. A new fan

35. A new school shirt and pants

36. A notebook

37. Indiana Jones keychain for my fourwheeler keys

38. A new closet door

39. A new dresser

40. Volleyball net & Volleyball

41. A new swimming pool- a really big one

42. My very own heat-up covers

43. An Indiana Jones pencil

44. A brand new bass boat for Daddy

45. A brand new coat hanger

46. A new snuggie

47. A brand new dog toy for Mason

48. A brand new hook that’s gold for my hat

Now, for 7 years old this boy wants a lot, huh? It’s so funny the things he came up with that he wanted. I am glad that he made me write them down because I will cherish this list for many, many years.

Finally got some Christmas Shopping done-Sites I used.

Every year my Husband and I are always last minute Christmas shoppers. We normally wait until Black Friday to do all of our shopping, but this year I got a little bit of a head-start and I must say it feels fantastic! I bought three of my Husband’s Christmas gifts online and they will be here at the beginning of next week. Such a relief! I purchased one of my Dad’s gifts also!

It feels so nice to not be a last minute shopper this year! Still trying to decide on the kid’s gifts. There’s so many things out there these days its hard to choose from them all.

I did my shopping on and the three items I purchased off Amazon I received free 2 day shipping! I also purchased an item off of and received a first-time user discount. That has helped tremendously!

I would most definitely recommend that you check those sites out for some of your Holiday shopping! And don’t forget to check out my website also at

If you all know of any good sites to check out for Holiday shopping please leave a comment with the names of the sites! Thanks so much, everyone!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Love, Love, Love…?!?!

When you think of love, do you think of falling into a trance in someone’s eyes? Or being captivated by someone’s smile? Do you think of being able to sit together on a front porch swing overlooking your beautiful property, with that person, when you’re old? Do you experience the butterflies or the fireworks that you always hear about being related to love?

What is your definition of love? How do you vision what love is supposed to feel or be like? Is it fairy tale? Is it just a concept that is overrated by current day movies and songs?

What is love?

Do you believe in fate? Do two people just come together out of coincidence?

I think sometimes we forget just what it is about our significant other that made us fall in love with them. We get caught up in day to day routines and busy schedules that we begin to overlook what brought us two to become one. We go on like robots, almost, like roommates. We may see each other everyday, but the passion is being hidden. The spark is being tamed. Sometimes we just get so caught up that we forget to actually, honestly notice each other, emotionally and physically.

From this day forward, I plan to never let my marriage become just a routine. Sometimes you really just don’t see that its happening. Not that your marriage is failing or that you’re no longer in love, but just that we forget to take the time to act upon being in love. Like the days when the love was new.

Yes, life happens, kids come into the picture, then you have work, and everything else that comes along, but we can’t forget to do what is necessary to keep the sparks ignited, and to keep the passion from being hidden.

Honestly, I’m not even sure what made me write this, I guess maybe because I just got finished watching a movie about couples realizing that sometimes they let life get in the way and take over more than it should and I honestly see that happening all around me.


Ever wish you could say, LOOK AT ME NOW?!

You know, in school, I had a TON of friends, but I also had a lot of people that looked at me and thought that I would be nothing my whole life, that my presence wasn’t worthy around them, that I would never fit in. My parents didn’t have money, I didn’t get the fancy new car when I turned 16, I didn’t have a college fund, or a huge house.

Well, I would just love to be able to go back and say, “Ha, look at me now!” I am 24 years old, been married for 5 years, I have two beautiful, healthy, amazing kids that are spoiled to no end, I have had a poem published in a book, I own a very nice vehicle, I have my own home. I have got to be a stay at home mom for 3.5 years now. I own tons of the hottest electronics (told you I was an electronic nerd). I go shopping every weekend. I am a college student. I graduated my career diploma program to be a teacher’s assistant with Honors. I am working on writing my own book. I have coached a youth (6-7 year olds) soccer team. I have been an assistant coach for a youth (3-4 year olds) T-ball team. And so on.

Sometimes, the people you think will never amount to anything just because they aren’t “rich” or wearing the coolest, expensive clothes, or getting the new ride when they turn 16, will turn out to be more than you have ever expected!

Never judge a book by its cover!

I see so many of those people that I went to school with that had the parents with money, the fancy house, the new car, the college fund and they have nothing now that they have had to get the things they want and need on their own. Isn’t it funny how life changes?

Just keep in mind, the next time you see someone that doesn’t have all the things that you have, that they could end up being something beyond what we ever expected them to be. Never make people feel inferior to you because you “have it all.”  We’re all destined for something, it doesn’t matter who you are, it matters whether you apply yourself to what you need and/or want to be in life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

BBQ Flat Jacks Recipe


1 pound ground beef
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup barbecue sauce
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1 package (7.5 ounce size) refrigerated biscuit dough
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Crumble the ground beef into a skillet over medium-high heat. As soon as it begins to brown a little, add the onion. Cook and stir until beef is evenly browned. Drain off grease, then stir in the barbecue sauce and hot pepper sauce. Set aside.
Peel the biscuits apart in round layers, and use them to line the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Spread the ground beef mixture over the biscuits, then top with shredded cheese.
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until the biscuits are cooked through, and cheese is melted.

I Made My Son’s Day Today While He Made Mine!

Today my son packed his backpack with 5 canned goods. I went to pick his backpack up this morning as we were walking out the door and I was blown away with how heavy it was. I opened his backpack to see why it was so heavy and what he was trying to sneak to school, and I found it full of canned goods. Ones I just bought at the grocery this weekend.

I asked my son why he was taking canned goods to school and he said, “Mommy, I want to take so, so, so many of them so I can have a popcorn party.” I told him that he couldn’t take the ones he had in his backpack because I had just bought them and needed them. He was so upset. As he was finishing getting ready for school I took his backpack and went to the cabinet. I filled his backpack with 10 canned goods, but didn’t mention that I did.

He went to grab his backpack on the way, and as I was, he was stunned at how heavy it was. He opened his backpack to see why because he knew mommy had taken out the canned goods, and there was an immediate huge grin on his face. He walked straight up to me, gave me a hug, and said you’re the best mommy ever! I made his day with just a few canned goods (isn’t it amazing how small of a thing can make them so happy?), well I guess I should say that he made my day with that huge grin and telling me that I was the best mommy ever!

I sure do love my babies!

I Bought Myself A Journal Today

I haven’t carried a journal or diary in years, but today I got the urge to purchase one. I figured it would probably be good to have with me to document those funny moments with my kids and the silly things they say or do.

Now, hopefully I will remember that I have it on me so I can document those moments. You know, for only being 24 years old, I have a hard time remembering things, which really upsets me. I shouldn’t be dealing with not being able to remember things. Oh well, maybe I just need to do those mind exercises that I keep hearing about. It may be worth a shot!

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Poem- Being a Mother

Being a Mother is life's greatest joy,
I have a girl and I have a boy,
I stay at home and tend to their needs,
The Lord has certainly blessed me!
Without my kids I would be nothing,
but since they're here I am most definitely something.
In their eyes I can do no wrong,
they'll love me forever no matter what's going on,
There's nothing in this world that I would rather be than a mother to my babies that care so much for me.
I started young, but that's okay,
they've changed my life and have made me who I am today.
I'd hate to see where I would be if I didn't have them here with me.
Mommy loves you both so very much and you brighten my life more than you will ever know!
I love that I get to be home with you and watch you grow, teach you new things, and guide you along the path you were intended to go.
Thank you Lord for blessing me
I cherish my life and everything you have given to me!
© Jessica Carothers
*This is the first poem I have written in over 2 years so I am a little rusty.

Some of my photography work

My Opinion Monday- Penny Auctions

Have you tried using a penny auction? Well, I have seen it advertised for a while now and thought I would check them out and see how easy it really was to purchase an expensive item for pennies on the dollar. My personal opinion, unless you plan to continue to spend a pretty penny on their bid packages, then it’s really not worth the effort. You also really need to purchase at least 100 bids in order to win anything. Every time you bid it raises the price up one penny and also adds another 10 seconds on to the timer. There’s where they get you! Chances are you are going to have to go back and forth with other auctioners for a while  and it’s the last person to bid when the timer is at 0 that wins, however every time someone bids they add the 10 seconds. Guess what, every time they add that 10 seconds and when someone else bids you have to bid again which is using your bids. Your bids will go quickly TRUST ME! So, there you go again having to purchase, yet another, bid package and just blew $40+ on your first bid package that you didn’t win anything with.

Maybe its just me, but I really see no point. If its too good to be true, chances are that it truly is too good to be true!

May 6, 2011 Justin Moore Concert

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shopping for my Husband is no easy task!

I am trying so hard to decide what to get my Husband for Christmas. Shopping for him is not an easy task! He is an avid hunter and fishermen, but I don’t know much about the supplies for either one. Yes, I know all about how to hunt and fish and what they have out there for it, but trying to decide what my Husband would actually use is a totally different story.

He has mentioned some things that he would like, but talk about pricey! And he says me with my electronics is bad…he is killing me here!

I love to spoil my Husband and I wish I could buy him whatever he wants because he totally deserves it, but at this point with me being a stay at home mom, its really difficult to buy the pricey, good stuff. Lady on a budget here! Smile I would love to mention what I would like to buy for him, but to be on the safe side I will keep it to myself.

I go through this every year when it comes time to buy him something super nice for Christmas. I have never been one to be able to shop for men easily anyways and shopping for him has really become a hard task for me. I always end up feeling terrible because I can’t really go and spend the money that I would like to on him to buy him the things he really wants because he is always spoiling me with the number one thing I ask for for Christmas.

I think this year I am going to make him give me what he would spend on me for Christmas for me to spend on him and he can get me something small. I know it’s the thought that counts and that Christmas shouldn’t be about how much money you can spend on one another, but I would just love to be able to get him what he asks for. He does so much for his family and is always putting himself last and NEVER buys anything for himself.

A big portion of his Christmas won’t come until February, but I know it will be worth the wait.

Well, back to contemplating!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Chihuahua Momma

I cannot believe that I forgot to introduce my three little chihuahuas. Yep, I am also a Momma to three ankle biters. Smile 
661 This is my baby girl Angel
842 This is my Toby
 and last but certainly not least, this is my little Mason

Photo Friday


This is a picture of my son and daughter at Huber’s Orchard Pumpkin Patch. This is the first time they have ever picked their own pumpkins. We took them this year. They had an absolute blast running through the pumpkin patch, examining all the different pumpkins.

I love, in this picture, how my daughter looks like a little model with her expression and hair blowing in the wind. My son doesn’t really look that happy in this photo, but he had a great time and was all smiles.

I love this picture!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I have an addiction! I will admit it! I am addicted to shopping. Whether it be online, window shopping, or just plain spending the day jumping from store to store. I love to shop.
I guess you could say shopping is my drug. It relieves my boredom, depression, and even makes a happy day more exciting. I turn to shopping to cure everything.
Although, sometimes I can really drive myself crazy trying to come up with what exactly it is I want to shop for. That’s bad, huh? That I actually sit and ponder on what I want to shop for and get agitated when I can’t put my finger on it.
I love shopping on Ebay! They have such great deals and I have bought a lot off of Ebay.
My obsession is electronics. Oh, how I love my electronics! The crappy thing is, electronics are pricey, but they are what I like. I can’t help the pricing. Although, I really wish they’d cut us electronic lovers some slack. Take the pricing down and quit upgrading right after I buy something. That drives me crazy!
I really should seek help for my shopping addiction! Need to join shopaholics anonymous!
--Shopaholic Mom

My Husband

My Husband is so great! I couldn’t have married a more perfect man! He has his flaws just like all of us do, but he is absolutely amazing!

My Husband is a dedicated, hard-working, loving, caring, honest, and loyal man. He takes such good care of me and our kids! He is always putting himself last to make sure that the kids and I have whatever we need and/or want.

I am so glad that 5 years ago I became his wife! Now granted, we’ve had our hard times and I know we always will just like any married couple, but he never gives up. I can honestly say that my Husband would never give up on his love for me and he will never give up on me period nor would I on him. He has filled my life with so much joy and meaning (along with our kids).

He is definitely my soul mate and other half!

I am looking forward to growing old with him!

I love you Justin Lee!

Watching and Wondering

I love watching my kids. They never cease to amaze me. You never know what is going to pop out of my son’s mouth he’s so clever and loves to make people laugh. You never really know what mood my daughter is going to be in, she hates anyone watching her eat, and you never know what face she is going to make next. My son likes to dress himself and some of the things I have seen him walk out of his room dressed in left me doubled over laughing hysterically.

Do you ever just sit back and watch your kids and wonder what kind of adults they are going to become? What kind of career path they will choose? What kind of lifestyle they’ll lead?

I am always pondering on those questions. I look back at myself at their age to now and think of the lifestyle I chose, the type of adult I am, the career path I have chosen. I don’t think at even the age of 15 I knew  or thought about where I was headed in life. I say 15 because I have noticed that now-a-days most 15 year olds are trying to plan out their whole future.

Every day I pray for the best for my children. I started having children young, but I am so blessed to be able to say that they have never wanted for anything.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for my kids (not that I want them growing up anytime soon!)

A Note to my followers

I haven't figured out how to reply to comments yet so please don't think I am ignoring you. I love to hear from you all and thank you so much for following!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Terrible 2s is not over!

I actually think my daughter had a pretty good year while she was two until the end, but now at three she is showing true terrible 2s syndrome. She has recently started this telling me no phase and has started a screaming phase.

She certainly knows how to butter you up, but can turn on you in a blink of an eye. That’s right, my little girl is as sweet as a button, but mean as a rattlesnake.

She has also started throwing little tantrums in the store when she wants something. I know I don’t have to tell any of you mommies how that goes. You’re in the store with a screaming child and you’re trying your best to smile it off like everything is okay. Those little trips to the store have become almost too much.

In spite of the screaming, back-talking, and tantrums I wouldn’t have it any other way. She is perfect in my eyes.

She is and always will be Mommy’s little princess!

Scentsy Wickless Candles

I signed on as a consultant with Scentsy on Sept. 26. I love their products! I just had to sell it!
I was a candle fanatic. I had tons of candles, room sprays, the oils, etc. Nothing EVER made my house smell as good as Scentsy.
I wanted to pass along this product, not just because I sell it, because I love it! It works!
Scentsy carries over 80 different scents including holiday/season scents, spa scents, men’s scents, romance scents, and so much more. The warmers are all handcrafted and beautiful. We have warmers to match anyone and everyone’s own personal style. Every month Scentsy offers a warmer of the month and a scent of the month, if ordered within that month you receive 10% those items.
How Scentsy works: Our warmers use a 25 watt lightbulb to warm and melt the wax. No soot, open flame,  or hot wax! They are a safe alternative to candles.
Scentsy also carries room sprays, scentsy buddies, travel tins, car air fresheners called scentsy circles, scent paks, fragrance foam which is hand sanitizer.
Come and check out my site!
Order online and have your items shipped directly to your home!
They make the perfect gift for anyone!
Are you looking for a way to make extra income? If yes, simply visit my site and click on join my team! For $99 you will get everything you will need to start and run your very own Scentsy business. The scents sell themselves!

Chocolate and Oat Toffee Bars Recipe


3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature

1 package (18 1/4 ounces) yellow cake mix with pudding in the mix

2 cups uncooked quick-cooking oats

1/4 cup packed brown sugar

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup toffee chips

1/2 cup of chopped pecans

1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degree f. Grease 13x9-inch baking pan.

2. Beat 3/4 cup butter in large bowl with electric mixer until creamy. Add cake mix, oats, brown sugar, egg, and vanilla; beat 1 minute or until well blended. Stir in toffee chips and pecans. Pat dough into prepared pan.

3. Bake 31 to 35 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and cool completely in pan or wire rack.

4. Melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter and chocolate chips in small saucepan over very low heat. Drizzle warm glaze over bars. Let glaze set 1 hour at room temperature. Cut into bars with sharp knife,

Makes 30 bars

Juggling it all

I had no idea that it was going to be so hard to juggle everything.

I am trying to juggle housework, taking care of the kids, PTA project, college, my social life, school events, selling Scentsy, hobbies, etc.

Right now I am in my second semester in college. My second semester is almost over and I am behind. I don’t like to admit that I am behind, but it has been a lot to try to keep up with everything. I attend college online which makes it hard and easy at the same time. Its easier because I get to make my own schedule pretty much and I get to work on schoolwork whenever its convenient for me, but it makes it hard because it takes a boat load of self motivation to keep yourself on track. Not to mention, my school is like a Harvard but only its online. I have a History test tomorrow night that I really need to be studying for. I have never been into History and find it very hard to keep myself on track with it.

I simply need a vacation! I have taken two this year, but with everything piling up I could always use another one! I have so many goals in life and trying to attain those goals is getting to be quite difficult! Another issue I have is that my mind goes a hundred miles a minute. I am always coming up with projects that I would like to do, places I would like to go, things I want to do with the kids, places I want to take the kids, things I want to get involved in, etc. I get started on a project then my mind comes up with another thing that I would like to do and before you know it I’m working on the new thing and the project I was working on is left unfinished.

Time to come up with a solid game plan and follow it through!

--Busy Mommy

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chocolate Banana Split Cake Recipe

1 sheet (18x12 inches) nonstick foil or heavy-duty foil, lightly sprayed with nonstick cooking spray

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened

2 eggs

1/4 teaspoon banana or coconut extract (optional)

1 cup all-purpose flour

5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 pint strawberries, halved

2 firm bananas, sliced

chopped nuts

whipped cream or whipped topping

chocolate syrup

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees f. Center foil over 9x5x3-inch loaf pan. Gently ease foil into pan; leaving 1-inch overhang on sides of pan and 5-inch overhang on ends.

2. Beat brown sugar and butter in large bowl with electric mixer at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add eggs; beat until smooth. Add mashed bananas; beat until blended. Beat in extract, if desired.

3. Combine flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt in medium bowl. Gradually add dry ingredients to creamed mixture; beating until smooth.

4. Pour batter into prepared pan. Fold foil over batter to cover batter completely; crimp foil, leaving head space for cake as it rises.

5. Bake 1 hour and 15 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes on wire rack. Open foil and lift cake from pan. Cool completely.

6. Slice cake into 8 (1-inch thick) slices. Serve with strawberries, sliced bananas, whipped topping, nuts, and drizzle of chocolate syrup.

Introducing my beautiful daughter, Kirsten!

IMG-20110919-00868 Say hello to my beautiful daughter!

This little girl right here is a ball of sunshine! She is 3 years old.

Kirsten loves to look through books, draw, and color. She loves to sing, dance, watch movies, and play outside. Kirsten loves Spongebob, Curious George, Dora the Explorer, Rudolph, Caillou, Toy Story (her fave is Woody), and Tinkerbell.

She is beginning to talk so good now. She was a tad bit of a late bloomer with her speech, well at least compared to her brother, but she is starting to talk so much more now. Right now we’re working on the dreadful potty training. She’s catching on though.

Kirsten is the sweetest! She loves to give hugs and kisses, but will not fail to let you know when enough is enough! She definitely, even at only 3 years old, tells it like it is! She loves playing mommy to her barbie dolls and baby dolls and won’t hesitate to them to shut up. Its so funny!

She loves her big brother and loves following him around.

She’s makes her Mommy very proud! I am so blessed!


My Landon is growing all too fast!

230759_124707830941686_100002074103865_186551_5866638_nThis is a photo of Landon’s Kindergarten graduation from last year.

Now, he will be ending his First grade year in a couple months. Where does the time go? He is growing way too fast!

I do suspect that Landon will be our President one day! He is so intelligent and absolutely loves people! He never meets a stranger!

He makes me so proud, but I hate that he’s growing up so fast! Before long he’s going to be going through that dreadful teenage stage. I am NOT looking forward to that! He already thinks he is 15. My baby boy won’t be much of a baby anymore, not that he is a baby now.

I do love that he has become passionate about drawing and he is absolutely obsessed with fishing! For 7 years old he could probably out fish some of the best fishermen out there! If I were to have to put a bet on him or a pro my bet goes to him for sure and not just because he is my son. He is also a very good big brother! He loves his sister and loves to teach her how to do things. I love watching them together and watching him guide her and protect her.

He sure does make his mommy proud! What a blessing that little boy is!

--Very Proud Mommy

What is getting into me?


I was never much of a reader growing up. Actually, I used to HATE to read, but as I get older I am finding myself liking a lot more things that I never would have thought that I would enjoy, reading being one of them. I read all the time now. I’m a pretty quick reader, too. It takes me no time at all to finish a 400 page book.

I find myself wanting to get into doing scrapbooking, diy crafts, want to learn to sew, want to crotchet, taking a liking to recipes and cooking. These are things, other than the scrapbooking, that I never thought I would ever want to do. I was always the tom-boy that would rather be out playing ball or making things out of wood then cooking or learning to sew. Those things bored me, but here I am wanting to get into doing those things. Its amazing how much things change as you get older!

I can’t believe that I actually want to purchase a sewing machine! Not that I would have a clue what to do with it or where to even start when it came to sewing, but I would like to own one and get started somewhere. Believe me when I say this, I am freaking myself out here! What has possessed me to want to learn and do these things? Yes, being a housewife and a mother could have a lot to do with it, but still. My problem is is that I am not very crafty. At least, I don’t think I am. I guess I wouldn’t really know because I haven’t applied myself in that area. I do know that drawing is out of the question! I can’t draw for nothing. I would love to be able to though!

Another thing I want to do is start a book club. The problem with that is that I don’t know anyone that enjoys reading like I do or even has the time to read. I wish I did because I have wanted to start a book club for a while. Maybe soon I will get one going.

Oh yeah, one day I will open my own photography business! I want to open one so bad! I am obsessed with taking photos! My Husband calls me a photo geek, but that’s okay.

-- The Jessica of all trades